Without the focus on social transformation, all the work you do is only temporary. Everything you try to change will undo itself.

It Has Been Proven
Trashes and garbage are simply every where and it ended up in the our community, the river and the ocean where it polluting our environment, bring disease, effecting our health, and killing marine and wild lives.
In the last few months we have been cleaning thousand of pounds of garbages off the street, parking, and the park. Week after weeks and month after months and the result is exactly the same. There is just as much garbage still scattered through out our community as if we have done nothing.
Nothing changes and we were expecting that. But we done it to prove few points; that it would be crazy to keep on cleaning without focus on a permanent solution. The problem here is not trash, the source of the problems is the people.
The second point is to show our community that we take no pleasure to clean up garbages but we do it anyway. While we are working on a permanent solution, we believe it is neccessary to keep on cleaning protect the our community and the environment even though it’s only a temporary solution.
We proved to the community picking up other people trash everyday is not the answer and what have been done for thousand of year doesn’t solve any problems.
Watchmen Ideology: Without the focus on social transformation our work can only be for temporary.
It’s time to follow the way of the Watchmen. We need to focus on a permanent solution.

The Movement
It doesn’t matter what we do, without the focus on social transformation our work can only be for temporary.
We must join in the Trash Free Movement. Let this poster be the conversation starter. Let it be seen and let it be heard time and time again before it reach the subconcious of our community. Once it reach the subconcious, action will follow.
Every share or tag can reduce litters
You must share the Trash Free Movement sign everywhere on social media, Facebook, tag everyone, Snapchat, Instagram, email, messenger, text, etc. Don’t underestimate the power of social media.
Every poster can will bring awareness to your community
Posting this Trash Free Movement signs throughout the community. Post the sign on every window, on every retail store, on every business, on every place.
Bring the community together, start a trash free movement conversation, start a pick up trash groups, join our trash free momement.
We must lead by example, and actions lead the way.

Take Actions
Nothing changes untill we hold each other accountable for our actions.
- You must set the example by picking up trash, and put trash where they belong. You can do it by yourself or in a group.
- Hold those around you accountable for their action. When you see them throw trash around you must show them the Trash Free Movement photo, ask them would they like little kids pick up their trash. then ask them politely to pick up their trash. If they don’t, you pick it up for them. If they continue doing it simply mean they don’t have any respect for you. Should you be around those who have no respect for you?
- Hold stranger accountable for their action. Show them a trash free movement photo and ask them would you like these kids to pick up our trash? Ask the politely to pick up their trash. if they don’t, go ahead and pick it up for them.
- Why do we picking up trash for others? Most people are good. Most people are capable. When you are picking up trash for someone, it imprinted in their head even if they don’t say anything. They don’t feel good about someone taking care of their mess. It show they are irresponsible, thoughtless, lazy, incapable, and not a good role model. No one like to feel that. Monkey see, monkey do or social effet. If the parking is filled with trash, people simple throw more trash there. If a person saw people throwing trash they will throwing more trash, if they see people picking up trash they will less like to throwing trash. An irresponsible person with no environment concious will not able to think that there is too much trash we should not add more trash to it. In their mind, it doesn’t matter if they throw more trash because it couldn’t get anyworse.
A trash free community is the first step to a better society. This should be the easiest thing we can do in comparision to stopping drug, bullying, violent and crimes. Anyone can pick up trash, however this will be the hardest thing for humanity. This is an act of selflessness and it will be the most challenging task for many people. Take care of other people messes and stand up to somebody. This will be a break through for humanity. I believe we can do anything there after.
The will to take on the responsibility and hold ourself and others accountable for our action in keeping our community trash free is a catalyst to change all other issues in our community.